Hi all, is your chimney sweep upto standard for the future and what is coming? The burning season will come. People will need there chimney swept again and it is likely Covid-19 will still be here.
We have already blogged about updates in our PPE, RPE and aircleaning technology. However, there has never been a more important time for Chimney Sweeps and tradesman to be using PAPR respirators, aircleaners, disposable overalls, overshoes, clean dust sheets and poly methods.
We know soot is cancerous, we also know that us as chimney sweeps bump into other hazardous dusts such as asbestos. However Covid-19 is a very real and serious Virus which is easily spread and very deadly.
We are now taking Bookings again. And will be carrying out a normal service.
Understandably we we ask all of our customers please respect the Social Distancing rules and ventilate the room.
However due to a stark rise in Chimney Fires it is clear that everyone is still using their fires and will continue to do so. After all the majority of the population is at Home.
The Fire Brigades have much better things to be doing instead of putting out chimney fires. Many are being trained at this moment to drive ambulances, emergency paremedic, etc. The role of the Chimney Sweep is still vital. Chimney sweeps actively prevent chimney fires and carbon monoxide poisoning.
We have taken it upon ourselves as a company to assess the risks involved.

We have chosen to use PAPR respirators and undertake the following measures as we feel this is the best practice possible, this is the safest method for both us and the customer.
Considering its becoming normal to wear masks, in shops, on the tube, buses and on the street a sweep not wearing a mask in a customers house is a massive no no.
The Covid-19 crisis is set to be a problem for a long while and we want our customers to know they will be safe from us, our processes, chimney fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. We want you stay safe in the fact we will take all necessary precautions.
This Virus is not an overnight thing and is set to come in waves over the next 18 months or so. It is our duty as professionals to safeguards ourselves, our customers and our customers properties.
We have for many years invested in our PPE, RPE and improved working practices to make the process as clean and as safe as possible. Daniel Hodgson is the Author of the Sweep Safe Technician Reference Guide and continues to write much of the technical content for the industry.

So for reference we will follow the control measures set out by Sweep Safe and we will use. https://www.sweepsafe.com/corona-virus-covid-19-guidance-for-chimney-sweeps/
- PAPR full face Respirator.
- New Nitrile gloves
- Overshoes
- Asbestos grade coveralls on every job
- Air cleaner
- Haz vaccum
- Dust pre seperator
- Poly sheeting
- Fresh Boil washed sheets.
- Decontaminate equipment
A Half Mask is not acceptable! It is only suitable for 60 minutes or less use and traps condensates.
We have also updated our Risk assessments, methods statements and have undertaken specific training in Infection prevention and control and Disinfection.

Taking these precautions will mean we will be able to do less work during the day. It will take us a bit longer to sweep each chimney and decontaminate but, we feel working this way is the right way for both ours and your Health and Safety. It is likely there will be a slight cost increase also for each sweep, as mask filters have already risen in cost as have disposable suits.
Do not be afraid to ask your chimney sweep what safety precautions they are undertaking, what PPE they will wear and ultimately how they can protect you.
We are qualified to work with asbestos and are used to working in such a Manner.

Stay safe, stay at home, save lives and wash your Hands.
Thank you reading, Danny Hodgson
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