HETAS Landlord Safety Inspections are a service we offer as HETAS Approved Chimney Sweeps throughout the South West of England.
HETAS Safety Inspections are important and are regularly requested by many housing associations, estate agents, letting agents, holiday homes and private landlords. They are all responsible under the Health and Safety Act that all heat producing appliance are in a safe condition.
Obviously there are additional costs to this inspection, as there are many additional checks and balances during this service. Hodgsons always aim to be competitive and we offer discounted rates for commercial partners with more than one property.
It must be noted that not all safety inspections pass, but, if this is the case we will do our best not to worry tenants while we explain the situation and will always attempt to provide a solution.
Find out here Just how detailed and in depth a Solid Fuel Inspection is

HETAS Safety Inspection Report

Wohler DM2000 flue draught meter